
Welcome to my first blog. It is being constructed for my ICS 691 course, which is an in depth look at Social Networking. I typically don't engage in this type of activity as I work, so it will be interesting learning about this stuff.

Thursday, January 22, 2009

1/22/09 Strgs for a discontinuous future.

I found this a less then brilliant article, its redeeming feature, was the posts that were attached, and only because the posts dramatize the author's main point, and the clear differences between the authors supporters and detractors.

The problem with the writers logic is that he equates utility and the ability to conceptualize and increase utility and productivity with a lack of creativity. I would suggest that being able to orchestrate utility and mass productivity is really a creativity in its own right. I disagree with a major premise "the notion that everything must be useful". First anyone who studies logic and human nature understands that it is not often when "everything" is ever any one thing. For example, pet rocks, and hiphop and basketball. How about this take, would the author of the article think that no creativity existed in the extremely useful light bulb? How about Einstein and Bell, anyone care to call them less then creative geniuses? How much creativity is found in the concept and ability to implement the production line (Thank You, Henry Ford, for bringing the car to the masses. I believe my quality of life was much improved, as well as the workers in the orginal factories.). I would bet if we could go back in time we would find many people who first ate a consistent quality meal, across an entire county at a fair price, who would think McDonalds was a stroke of creative genius as well as extremely useful. And how about Bill Gates "licencing software", absolutely creative genius, and IBM bought it! Much better then a Warhal painting, think how many people did Gates make wealthy on that? How many people were able to buy cars, fund retirements, send their kids to college, pay mortgages? How much GPD did he bring into a country hemorraging cash by buying cheap imports? I think that perhaps Umair needs to really reconsider his definition of creativity, he may find it somewhat narrow and lacking.

Interesting enough I could agree with the original premise that bloggers blog too much. Especially if they blog this type of ill thought out drivel. Perhaps they should spend more time reading and thinking, then posting.

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